Is killing Lizards, Salamanders, Chameleons, Geckos and other related animals considered good or sunnah in Islam? [गिरगिट को मारना चाहिए या नहीं? छिपकली को मारना इस्लाम में कैसा है?]
There is this hadith which says it is not permissible to kill:
Narrated ‘Aisha: Allah’s Apostle called the salamander a bad animal, but I did not hear him ordering it to be killed.” (Bukhari – Volume 3, Book 29, Number 57)
And a hadith which says it is permissible to kill and it gives rewards:
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a Salamander with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one. (Muslim Book 026, Number 5564)
Then there is this verse in the Qur'an which says that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent as a mercy for all that exists: “And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)” [al-Anbiya’ 21:107].
Now remember that Allah has taken the responsibility to protect the verses of the Qur'an but not the hadiths and the hadiths can be corrupted. So, it is not necessary that the Prophet (peace be upon him) has ordered to kill salamanders or any other creation.
So, if you take Qur'an into consideration then it is not permissible to kill any lizards, geckos, salamanders, snakes, scorpions etc until and unless you possess a threat (any sort of threat including threat to you, your crops, children, your possessions etc) from them or they disturb you in your prayers. You can't keep killing a creature just because one creature of its kind did something wrong in the past.
And Allah knows best!
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Below is a book I'll recommend to learn more about Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
if anything is harmful for humankind in this world and hereafter it should be killed. Allah knows what we can't