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Topic #13: In Islam, is it permissible to play games played with dice & likes of it?

Clear Islamic Doubts

Islam guides that the most expensive commodity one has been blessed with and will be held accountable for is the time one has been allocated with in the short and transient life of this world as a test and trial from Allah.

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5197 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "On the Day of Resurrection the feet of the son of Adam will not move away till he is questioned about five matters: on what he spent his life, in doing what he made his youth pass away; whence he acquired his property, on what he spent it, and what he did regarding what he knew"

Islam guides that just as a student in an exam utilizes his time to make sure he scores the maximum he can in his results, the precious time allocated by Allah to each individual in the short and transitory life of this world as a test must be utilized to further ones cause of existence rather than being wasted on worthless deeds and acts.

The deen of Islam does allow some level of amusement or entertainment which are good and wholesome like spending quality time with family and friends, or some sport which benefits one physically, etc.; but to waste a commodity as precious as time on useless and worthless deeds and games which bring absolutely no benefit to oneself or others is absolutely discouraged in Islam.

Thus even though useless and worthless games like chess, backgammon, or games which involve dice are mentioned by names as discouraged in Islam; the truth is that all such acts which bring oneself or others absolutely no benefit except killing or wasting time should be discouraged.

And Allah knows best!

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