Giving charity to non-muslims. Sadaqah to non-muslim. [charity in islam; sadaqah in islam qa; sadaqah to non muslim; ghair muslim ko sadqa dena; kya ghair muslim ko sadqa diya ja sakta hai]
Charity and sadaqah is for muslims and non-muslims alike. When one is hungry and needs to be fed, it does not matter whether the recipient is a muslim or a non-muslim. When one is sick and needs medicine, surgery, etc. it does not matter whether the recipient is a muslim or a non-muslim. When one is in need of help, then it does not matter whether the recipient is a muslim or a non-muslim.
All human beings are creation of Allah, whether they acknowledge him or not. Muslims are supposed to be well-wishers of mankind, and Allah will give one one's due reward when he or she spends on any slave of Allah, as long as one is seeking only the pleasure of Allah for his deeds. Helping a human being aside, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, that even if one gives water to a thirsty animal, or food to a hungry animal, he or she will have one's reward with Allah! The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) constantly reminded the muslims to be well-wishers of humanity and any creature of Allah alike.
Allah says in the Qur'an 3:110 : You are the best community which has been raised for the guidance of mankind. You enjoin what is right, and forbid what is evil and you all believe in Allah Alone.
And Allah knows best!
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